Sunday, January 11, 2009


Follow these steps:

1) Make sure you have at least 3/4 charge of battery power left.

2) Backup your contacts list and personal files to MMC memory card.

3) Switch-off your phone.

4) Press and hold these 3 keys;
Dial key(Green), * (star key) and No. 3 key and then press the power on/off to switch on the

Note: Remember, do not let go all of the keys, hold until you see a formatting word screen

5) After a few minutes when the full phone formatting completed, your phone will be back to
original system and factory settings.

aitel live hack

There have been so many false hacks,which did'nt work in anyway.
but some worked for sometime untill the owners realised.

But there is one application which is not yet reveled to public untill now.

100% working.Not any spam or anything.
Airtel officials did'nt notice untill now.

So What You Have To Do:

1.Install teashark application to your phone.

2.choose Airtel Live as internet settings
[it is important that you choose airtel live as default settings,otherwise it wont work]

3.Choose Airtel Live as streaming settings(for Sony Ericsson Users)

4.reboot your phone.

5.that's it you have 24 x 7 working internet connection in your phone by Teashark.

you no need to have any balance need to activate unnecessary Mobile Office.
just install this application and enjoy.